State of Texas:
Department of Information Services

For questions regarding quotes and orders:
Sonya Beredimas
Chief Operating Officer
Phone : +1(770) 274 4336
Contract No:
Contract Term Date:
Sept 06, 2024
Contract Expiration Date:
Sept 06, 2029
ivoyant has been awarded a contract by the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) to provide technology services to state and local governments through DIR’s Cooperative Contracts Program. This program enables eligible entities to efficiently and cost-effectively procure IT services, streamlining the process for accessing innovative technology solutions.

DIR Co-Operative Contract Program Overview

ivoyant offers Information Technology Staff Augmentation Contract (ITSAC) services through this contract at set not-to-exceed labor rates. Customers may competitively solicit ITSAC services through requests for resumes or statements of work (SOW).

For reference, follow the below URL:

ITSAC Contract Overview

Service Offered

Service Description

ivoyant delivers compliant and flexible IT staffing solutions for short-term and long-term projects. Our comprehensive staffing services are designed to meet the evolving technology needs of state and local governments, educational institutions, and other public entities/DIR customers in Texas.

Customers have two options when acquiring IT Staffing Services: soliciting a Request for Resume or issuing a Statement of Work (SOW) for a more complex staffing services solution. Job Category and Title Description

Pricing Document

How do I Order?

1. Contact Sonya Beredimas at +1 (770) 274-4336 or, and finalize the work details.

2. Post discussions, generate a Purchase Order made payable to ivoyant and refer to DIR Contract Number DIR-CPO-5555 on the Purchase Order.

3. E-mail your Purchase Order to

Contract Terms and Conditions

Review our Warranty and Return Policies

Customers may provide written notice to Successful Respondent of errors, inaccuracies, or other deficiencies in products or services provided by Successful Respondent under a Purchase Order within thirty (30) calendar days or receipt of an invoice for such products or services. Successful Respondent shall correct such error, inaccuracy, or other deficiency at no additional cost to Customer.

DIR Statement of Work Instructions
